ORA’s response to its customers about COVID19 : serving customers is at the heart of what we do.
Whilst COVID-19 continues to impose itself, we have implemented operating procedures to ensure the health and safety of all our employees. We continue working to ensure that all of our customers and partners have the support we have always strive to provide.
We are still delivering and operating.
Wherever COVID measures still apply, our team continues to promote remote technical support whether by email or by a simple telephone call or by sending your requests, to support@oradiochem.eu. As well, our sales team continues to provide remote assistance; if you need a quote for a chosen module, or are in the need of spare parts, please send your requests to questanswered@oradiochem.eu. We have built contingency plans to address any logistics or delivery challenges that may arise. In short, we are committed to building the right solution at the right time with the right safeguards for each and every customer we serve. We are working these challenges with individual customers who become impacted by any issues on a real time basis.
All of these actions represent the heart of our culture, focusing on commitment to our customers and for our family of employees. Our operational team is carefully managing its resources to ensure ongoing operation integrity and flexibility. Please be safe while together we navigate this challenging time.